Lorraine C. Minnite argues for a reinvigoration of propaganda studies in “New Challenges in the Study of Rightwing Propaganda: Priming the Populist Backlash to ‘Hope and Change,’” published in the December 2012 issue of the journal New Political Science (Vol. 34, no. 4).
Category: Faculty News
Gloria Bonilla-Santiago’s Article in Huffington Post
Over at the Huffington Post, Gloria Bonilla-Santiago has “Advice for Puerto Rico’s New Governor.”
Christopher Goodman Presents at Annual Conference
On November 10th, 2012 Christopher Goodman presented research at the 59th Annual Conference of the North American Regional Science Council in Ottawa, Canada entitled “Local Government Fragmentation and the Local Public Sector: A Panel Data Analysis.”
Paul Jargowsky Addressed Board of Trustees of Century Foundation
On October 26th, 2012 Paul Jargowsky addressed the Board of Trustees of the Century Foundation in New York on poverty trends and emerging issues. Prof. Jargowsky delivered a talk, “Reflections on Recovery,” at the Burn Foundation’s Annual Gala at the Union League on October 19th, 2012.
Eduardo Gomez’s Forthcoming Article
In a forthcoming article to appear in the journal Health Policy and Planning, entitled, “Exploring the Utility of Institutional Theory in Analyzing International Health Agency Stasis and Change,” Eduardo J. Gomez argues that institutional theory can be used to explain why some international health organizations succeed and others fail to adapt to changing conditions.
Patrice Mareschal and Patricia Ciorici Presented Co-Authored Paper
Patrice Mareschal and Patricia Ciorici (Public Affairs Ph.D. candidate), presented a co-authored paper: “Against All Odds: Civic Engagement and Power Building in an Invisible Workforce,” at the International CRIMT (Research Centre on Globalization and Work) Conference, in Montreal, Canada, October 2012. This paper examines how home care workers in Oregon, a predominantly female, geographically dispersed, and economically under-valued workforce were … Continue reading Patrice Mareschal and Patricia Ciorici Presented Co-Authored Paper…