Dr. Brandi Blessett’s Role as Program Valuator for ReNew Camden Highlighted in Courier-Post

Assistant Professor Brandi Blessett’s work as a program valuator for ReNew Camden was highlighted in a Courier-Post article. Dr. Blessett highlighted the key role of ReNew Camden in helping convicts transfer back to society. She highlighted the need for such a program, arguing: “It’s a tough task for someone to do on their own, especially those who … Continue reading Dr. Brandi Blessett’s Role as Program Valuator for ReNew Camden Highlighted in Courier-Post

Rutgers DPPA graduate students participated in the Urban Affairs Association annual meeting in Miami

A delegation of 17 faculty and students from Rutgers-Camden attended the Urban Affairs Association annual meeting in Miami, FL, April 8 – April 11. Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn, Assistant Professor – Racial Diversity and Happiness: Add Health Panel evidence Ashley E. Nickels, PhD Candidate – Detroit Snob: An Intersectional Activist’s View of the City Brandi Blessett, Assistant Professor – The … Continue reading Rutgers DPPA graduate students participated in the Urban Affairs Association annual meeting in Miami

Brandi Blessett Approved as Columnist for PA TIMES

Brandi Blessett was approved to be a columnist by the American Society of Public Administration (APSA) online news periodical PA TIMES. This will be a six-month term. Her early writings include In Pursuit of Civil Rights: An Iterative and Sustained Struggle for Progress and Ensuring that #BlackLivesMatter. 

Stephen Danley Elected “Chair-Elect” of ARNOVA’s Community and Grassroots Associations Section

Stephen Danley has been elected as the Chair-Elect of the Association for Research on Non-Profts and Voluntary Association’s (ARNOVA) Community and Grassroots Associations (CGA) Section. As Chair-Elect, Danley will continue his attempts to make ARNOVA a welcoming place for practitioners and grassroots activists interested in the intersection between activism and research.